INTERREG project No LTPL00095-Safe Tourism will increase the safety of tourism in the programme area and strengthen inter-institutional cooperation

Trakai District Municipality in Lithuania and the Commune of Giby in Poland are both resort areas. Ensuring the safety of visitors, tourists and residents when using the services and attractions of the resort is an opportunity to increase the attractiveness of the region. At the same time, it is a challenge for local authorities to find new and effective solutions to improve this safety. Cooperation at both local and international levels helps to mobilise physical forces and find new solutions. With limited resources, we are looking for financial opportunities to attract experts, purchase modern equipment, strengthen partnership, raise awareness of innovative solutions as well as increase the attractiveness of the region beyond the local level. We are proactive and strive for maximum credibility!
Our ideas will be realised through the LTPL00095 project “Improving of cooperation management in the context of tourism security in the Lithuanian-Polish border region” (Safe Tourism), which is partly financed by the Interreg VI-A Lithuania-Poland cooperation Programme. The project is implemented by Trakai District Fire and Rescue Service (hereinafter referred to as the Lead partner) and Trakai District Municipality Administration in Lithuania in partnership with the Commune of Giby in Poland. The project was started on 1 February 2024 and will run for 24 months. The aim of the project is to strengthen the management of inter-institutional cooperation in the field of improving tourism security in the Lithuanian-Polish border region.
To achieve the project’s objective, research on institutional cooperation in the field of tourism security will be prepared. This will become the basis for members of the partners’ expert working group to draw up a protocol agreement and concrete measures for the continuation of cooperation in the field of tourism security for a period of three years. The Lead partner will purchase modern rescue equipment for the rescue of tourists and residents during the summer and winter seasons. The Polish partner will set up a safe public beach, a lifeguard tower and purchase the necessary specialised equipment and tools. One of the key activities is the development of competences of firefighters. Joint training will be organised for Lithuanian and Polish firefighters to learn how to assist in joint operations and to manage local and global crisis situations such as fires, explosions, enemy invasion, etc. Lithuanian officers will improve their skills in driving service vehicles in emergency situations, while Polish firefighters will train how to manage rescue operations and motorboat driving. The project will culminate in an international conference in Trakai in 2025 to present the results of the project, discuss possible crisis situations and the involvement of all partners in their management. Hopefully, the partnership between Lithuania and Poland will be constructive and sustainable for the future cooperation.
The project budget is 999.911,12 Eur, European Union support is 795.096,07 Eur.
The project is partly financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Trakai District Fire and Rescue Service